Scars remind us where we've been. They don't have to dictate where we're going

Friday, April 1, 2011

April is Cesarean Awareness Month!

I kind of want to bake a cake to celebrate cesarean awareness month. Actually, I just want to bake a cake so I can eat it.  I'm still off the soda and my sugar intake has taken a major hit.

I never in a million years thought cesarean awareness month would be something I would care about.  My mother had 3 vaginal births, two completely natural, and her mother also had vaginal births.  I just assumed I would follow suit.  Well, as I now know, few things in life are as humbling as pregnancy and birth.  Perhaps due to my lack of education on normal pregnancy and birth with my first son, I was set down the road I am now--still, I am so grateful both my births happened just the way they did and I am grateful for the compassion and sensitivity I have learned on my journey through them.

Over the next month, I plan to post a new cesarean/VBAC fact each day on my facebook status to hopefully get some women--maybe even some who are not even pregnant yet--thinking.  I recently (as in yesterday) thought of a funny and catchy slogan for childbirth education courses should I become a certified CBE--what do you think of "I went through it so you don't have to?"

I also plan to spend the month celebrating all that I have learned personally and through the amazing community of women with whom I have built connections.  Most of all, I just plan to spend the month reflecting on all the things I have to be thankful for.

First, for my beautiful family.  My two sons, whose radiant innocence and uninhibited joy inspire me to be a more positive and better mother.  My husband, whose unwavering support on this journey has allowed me to explore all of my options for the births of our future children.  An amazing provider, husband, father, birth and life partner.

For my wonderful midwives, truly the sisters of my heart, whose unfailing faith in me gives me the strength and courage I need to continue to pursue my dream of vaginal birth after multiple cesareans.

For the other mothers whose lives have been touched by cesareans and who work through untold physical and emotional baggage on their journey to VBAC or CBAC.

For other natural minded mothers who have not had cesareans, but who have expressed support and compassion for me as I go down the road to HBAMC.

For compassionate doctors, who respect their patients and work hard to allow women to have empowering birth experiences, no matter the method of delivery.

For cesarean sections, which often save the lives of babies and mothers.

For VBAC, which can provide unmeasurable healing.

And for the readers of this blog, who care enough to take time out of their day to read my sometimes rambling thoughts on the subject, and who I know will support me throughout my next pregnancy and delivery.

Thank you.

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