Scars remind us where we've been. They don't have to dictate where we're going

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Blog Posts to Come.....

So, apparently I have a lot to say. Now that I've committed to journaling my journey to an HBAMC, I have all these ideas rolling around in my head of what I want or need to talk about. So, I'm starting a list here (to keep track of for myself and also give you an idea of where I'm going!) and I will plan to hit these topics in the relatively near future.

--What if I never have a vaginal birth? What will that feel like?

--Currently reading: I'm thinking this will kind of be a recurring post, obviously just updated based on what I'm reading. Right now, it's "Orgasmic Birth" by Elizabeth Davis and Debra Pascali-Bonaro

--I don't need to justify my birth experiences, so why do I catch myself doing just that sometimes?

--I don't need to justify my birth choices, so why do I sometimes get defensive as soon as the topic comes up?

--The power of words--VBAC attempt v. Failed VBAC (said to a woman after a birth).  VBAC attempt or I will VBAC (in a birth plan).

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